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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Adab Dalam Meminang
Posted by Uthmaniah
Berbuat Baik Dan Bersabar Di Atas Perilaku Manusia
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Berusaha Mencari Rezeki
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Keabadian Islam
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 34
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever establishes the prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's rewards (not to show off) then all his past sins will be forgiven."
Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 33
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:
The Prophet said, "Whoever has the following four (characteristics) will be a pure hypocrite and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up.
1. Whenever he is entrusted, he betrays.
2. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie.
3. Whenever he makes a covenant, he proves treacherous.
4. Whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner."
Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 32
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "The signs of a hypocrite are three:
1. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie.
2. Whenever he promises, he always breaks it (his promise ).
3. If you trust him, he proves to be dishonest. (If you keep something as a trust with him, he will not return it.)"
Posted by Uthmaniah
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Hakikat kebijaksanaan
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Islam Agama Yang Mudah
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Larangan Bunuh-membunuh Tanpa Hak
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 31
Narrated 'Abdullah:
When the following Verse was revealed: "It is those who believe and confuse not their belief with wrong (worshipping others besides Allah.)" (6:83), the companions of Allah's Apostle asked, "Who is amongst us who had not done injustice (wrong)?" Allah revealed: "No doubt, joining others in worship with Allah is a great injustice (wrong) indeed." (31.13)
Posted by Uthmaniah
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 30
Narrated Al-Ahnaf bin Qais:
While I was going to help this man ('Ali Ibn Abi Talib), Abu Bakra met me and asked, "Where are you going?" I replied, "I am going to help that person." He said, "Go back for I have heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'When two Muslims fight (meet) each other with their swords, both the murderer as well as the murdered will go to the Hell-fire.' I said, 'O Allah's Apostle! It is all right for the murderer but what about the murdered one?' Allah's Apostle replied, "He surely had the intention to kill his companion."
Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 29
Narrated Al-Ma'rur:
At Ar-Rabadha I met Abu Dhar who was wearing a cloak, and his slave, too, was wearing a similar one. I asked about the reason for it. He replied, "I abused a person by calling his mother with bad names." The Prophet said to me, 'O Abu Dhar! Did you abuse him by calling his mother with bad names You still have some characteristics of ignorance. Your slaves are your brothers and Allah has put them under your command. So whoever has a brother under his command should feed him of what he eats and dress him of what he wears. Do not ask them (slaves) to do things beyond their capacity (power) and if you do so, then help them.' "
Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 28
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
The Prophet said: "I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful." It was asked, "Do they disbelieve in Allah?" (or are they ungrateful to Allah?) He replied, "They are ungrateful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the favors and the good (charitable deeds) done to them. If you have always been good (benevolent) to one of them and then she sees something in you (not of her liking), she will say, 'I have never received any good from you."
Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 27
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:
A person asked Allah's Apostle . "What (sort of) deeds in or (what qualities of) Islam are good?" He replied, "To feed (the poor) and greet those whom you know and those whom you don't know."
Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 26
Narrated Sa'd:
Allah's Apostle distributed (Zakat) amongst (a group of) people while I was sitting there but Allah's Apostle left a man whom I thought the best of the lot. I asked, "O Allah's Apostle! Why have you left that person? By Allah I regard him as a faithful believer." The Prophet commented: "Or merely a Muslim." I remained quiet for a while, but could not help repeating my question because of what I knew about him. And then asked Allah's Apostle, "Why have you left so and so? By Allah! He is a faithful believer." The Prophet again said, "Or merely a Muslim." And I could not help repeating my question because of what I knew about him. Then the Prophet said, "O Sa'd! I give to a person while another is dearer to me, for fear that he might be thrown on his face in the Fire by Allah."
Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 25
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle was asked, "What is the best deed?" He replied, "To believe in Allah and His Apostle (Muhammad). The questioner then asked, "What is the next (in goodness)? He replied, "To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah's Cause." The questioner again asked, "What is the next (in goodness)?" He replied, "To perform Hajj (Pilgrim age to Mecca) 'Mubrur, (which is accepted by Allah and is performed with the intention of seeking Allah's pleasure only and not to show off and without committing a sin and in accordance with the traditions of the Prophet)."
Posted by Uthmaniah
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 24
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:
Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives an property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah."
Posted by Uthmaniah
Bersedekah Membawa Keberkatan Dan Kemuliaan
“Tidak akan dikurangi harta dengan sebab bersedekah, Allah tidak menambah keampunan seseorang hamba melainkan seseorang itu ditambahkan dengan kemuliaan. Tidaklah seseorang itu merendah diri kerana mengharapkan keredhaan Allah melainkan akan diangkatkan darjatnya”.
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Larangan Bunuh-membunuh Tanpa Hak
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Tanggungjawab Sosial
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Batasan Dalam Bergurau Senda
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Solat Jumaat
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Malaikat Pencatat Selawat
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Siapa Tahu Nilaian Allah
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Menjaga Imej Agama
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Istimewanya Madinah
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Pengertian Kebajikan Dan Dosa
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Hati Yang Selalu Muda
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Al-quran Al-karim
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Kebinasaan Berlaku Tidak Mengira Sesiapa Masa Dan Tempat
“Bakal ada tentera yang akan menyerang Ka’abah, tetapi ketika mereka sampai disuatu tempat lapang, tiba-tiba ia dibinasakan semuanya , baik yang pertama hingga yang terakhir.’Aisyah bertanya: Ya Rasulullah, bagaimana dibinasakan semuanya, padahal disitu ada orang-orang yang tidak ikut serta, iaitu orang yang sedang dipasar dan lain-lainnya? Jawab Nabi di binasakan semua, kemudian dibangkitkan menurut niat masing-masing”.
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 23
Narrated 'Abdullah (bin 'Umar):
Once Allah's Apostle passed by an Ansari (man) who was admonishing to his brother regarding Haya'. On that Allah's Apostle said, "Leave him as Haya' is a part of faith."Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 22
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said, "While I was sleeping I saw (in a dream) some people wearing shirts of which some were reaching up to the breasts only while others were even shorter than that. Umar bin Al-Khattab was shown wearing a shirt that he was dragging." The people asked, "How did you interpret it? (What is its interpretation) O Allah's Apostle?" He (the Prophet ) replied, "It is the Religion."
Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 21
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:
The Prophet said, "When the people of Paradise will enter Paradise and the people of Hell will go to Hell, Allah will order those who have had faith equal to the weight of a grain of mustard seed to be taken out from Hell. So they will be taken out but (by then) they will be blackened (charred). Then they will be put in the river of Haya' (rain) or Hayat (life) (the Narrator is in doubt as to which is the right term), and they will revive like a grain that grows near the bank of a flood channel. Don't you see that it comes out yellow and twisted"
Posted by Uthmaniah
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Senyuman Suatu Sedekah
1. Makruf adalah segala perkara yang diketahui umum tentang kebaikannya sama ada dari segi syarak atau dari segi adat (yang tidak bercanggah dengan syarak). Manakala perkara yang mungkar pula adalah sebaliknya.
2. Setiap mukmin hendaklah sentiasa bermuka manis dan berbudi bahasa tinggi semasa berhubung dengan orang lain kerana hal ini juga dianggap sebagai satu sedekah.
Posted by Uthmaniah
Besar Dan Yang Lebih Besar Ganjarannya
1. Bersusah payah memberi kesenangan kepada isteri dan berkorban mencari nafkah untuk anak-anak akan diberi ganjaran pahala yang besar oleh Allah S.W.T. Bahkan dikira suatu dosa besar sekiranya seorang suami atau ketua keluarga itu enggan memberi nafkah dan bakhil terhadap isteri dan anak-anaknya sedangkan ia mampu berbuat demikian.
2. Nafkah adalah lebih daripada hanya peruntukan makanan bahkan yang dimaksudkan dengan nafkah adalah memberikan tempat tinggal, pakaian, makanan, perubatan, pendidikan dan perkara-perkara yang munasabah bagi kehidupan seseorang anggota keluarga.
3. Keluarga yang bahagia akan terbentuk sekiranya setiap ahli keluarga memainkan peranan masing-masing. Keberkatan jua akan melimpah sekiranya setiap tanggungjawab itu dilakukan dengan mengambilkira kedudukan halal dan haramnya. Tidak semata-mata ingin mengecap kesenangan dengan jalan yang mudah sehingga akhirnya membawa padah kepada keluarga dan merosakkan rumahtangga.
Posted by Uthmaniah
Khusyuk Yang Terganggu
Solat adalah sah jika menepati segala rukun dan syarat yang telah ditentukan oleh syarak walaupun memakai pakaian yang ada gambar (bergambar). Walau bagaimanapun dari segi adab dalam beribadat, perkara ini tidak digalakkan kerana ia mungkin mengganggu penumpuan kita atau orang lain terhadap solat kecuali tidak ada pakaian yang lebih baik ketika itu. Sesungguhnya dalam beribadat, bukan sahaja rukun dan syarat perlu diikuti tetapi adab juga mesti diutamakan. Memakai pakaian yang sopan dan selayaknya dipakai mestilah dititikberatkan apalagi ketika behadapan dengan Allah Ta'ala. Itulah yang dinamakan sifat ihsan iaitu merasakan bahawa Allah Ta'ala melihat ibadat yang sedang kita kerjakan. Jika kita tidak menjaga adab ini dikhuatiri ibadat kita tidak sempurna walaupun di sisi syarak ianya dianggap sah.
Posted by Uthmaniah
Catatan Amal Hingga hari Akhirat
Posted by Uthmaniah
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Sujud Syukur
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 20
Narrated Anas:
The Prophet said, "Whoever possesses the following three qualities will taste the sweetness of faith:
1. The one to whom Allah and His Apostle become dearer than anything else.
2. Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah's sake.
3. Who hates to revert to disbelief (Atheism) after Allah has brought (saved) him out from it, as he hates to be thrown in fire."
Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 19
Narrated 'Aisha:
Whenever Allah's Apostle ordered the Muslims to do something, he used to order them deeds which were easy for them to do, (according to their strength endurance). They said, "O Allah's Apostle! We are not like you. Allah has forgiven your past and future sins." So Allah's Apostle became angry and it was apparent on his face. He said, "I am the most Allah fearing, and know Allah better than all of you do."
Posted by Uthmaniah
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Doa Yang Tidak Diperkenankan
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Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 18
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:
Allah's Apostle said, "A time will come that the best property of a Muslim will be sheep which he will take on the top of mountains and the places of rainfall (valleys) so as to flee with his religion from afflictions."
Posted by Uthmaniah
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 17
Narrated 'Ubada bin As-Samit:
who took part in the battle of Badr and was a Naqib (a person heading a group of six persons), on the night of Al-'Aqaba pledge: Allah's Apostle said while a group of his companions were around him, "Swear allegiance to me for:
1. Not to join anything in worship along with Allah.
2. Not to steal.
3. Not to commit illegal sexual intercourse.
4. Not to kill your children.
5. Not to accuse an innocent person (to spread such an accusation among people).
6. Not to be disobedient (when ordered) to do good deed."
The Prophet added: "Whoever among you fulfills his pledge will be rewarded by Allah. And whoever indulges in any one of them (except the ascription of partners to Allah) and gets the punishment in this world, that punishment will be an expiation for that sin. And if one indulges in any of them, and Allah conceals his sin, it is up to Him to forgive or punish him (in the Hereafter)." 'Ubada bin As-Samit added: "So we swore allegiance for these." (points to Allah's Apostle)
Posted by Uthmaniah
Friday, February 1, 2008
Jauhi fitnah
Berbanding lelaki, aurat wanita lebih sukar dijaga. Ini kerana lelaki boleh menunaikan solat dengan hanya berkain pelikat kerana auratnya setakat antara lutut hingga ke pusat. Tetapi, aurat wanita meliputi pelbagai anggota badan daripada kaki hingga rambut. Tarikan nafsu bukan sahaja daripada cara seseorang itu berpakaian malah peranan minyak wangi atau haruman yang dipakai juga boleh menimbulkan ransangan lelaki terhadap seseorang wanita. Oleh itu Islam mengharamkan para wanita memakai wangian yang semerbak baunya sehingga dapat membangkitkan syahwat dan menarik perhatian lelaki sehingga menimbulkan fitnah sekalipun dalam konteks hendak mengerjakan ibadah seperti memakai haruman ketika hendak mengerjakan solat berjamaah yang terdapat lelaki bukan muhrim bersama-sama mengerjakan solat. Kesimpulannya, Islam membolehkan seorang perempuan muslimah itu keluar rumah untuk pergi bersembahyang, mencari ilmu, melaksanakan keperluan dan sebagainya tetapi dengan syarat perempuan itu dapat menjaga maruahnya dan adab kesopanan yang telah digariskan oleh Islam agar dengan itu mereka terhindar daripada fitnah mahupun mara bahaya dan bencana yang menimpa seperti jenayah rogol, khianat dan seumpamanya.
Posted by Uthmaniah